Catalogue Q4 2024 WEB
Actase Omega Eye Advanced Function: Food Supplement Size: 90 Softgels (30 days supply) Mfr: Scope Code: OMEYE
Eye Logic Nutri-Eye Function: Multi nutrient support for normal vision and healthy eyes Size: 30 capsules Mfr: Savant Distribution Code: ELNE
Actase Lutein ZA Func: Lubricant Eye Drops Size: 30 Softgels (30 days supply)
CoQun OS Function: Food Supplement Size: 60 Capsules Mfr: VisuFarma Code: COQOS
Actase Omega Eye Daily Function: Food Supplement Size: 60 Softgels Manufacturer: Scope Code: OOV
Mfr: Scope Code: ACTL
Lagad Retina Function: Multivitamin Dietary Supp with Omega 3 & 6 Size: 30 Soft Gels (1 a day) Mfr: Lagad Vision Lab Ltd Code: LAGR
ICaps Function: Dietary Supp with Lutein & Zeaxanthin Size: 30 tablets (30 days) Mfr: Alcon Code: ICAPS
Lagad Performa Function: Multivitamin Dietary Supplement with Omega 3 and 6 Size: 30 Soft Gels (1 a day) Mfr: Lagad Vision Lab Ltd Code: LAGP
Lagad Lacrima Function: Multivitamin Dietary Supp with Omega 3 & 6 Size: 60 Soft Gels (2 a day) Mfr: Lagad Vision Lab Ltd Code: LAGL
MacuPrime Func: Premium triple carotenoid supp with Lutein, Meso-Zeaxanthin & Zeaxanthin Size: 30/90 Capsules Mfr: MacuHealth Ltd Code: MACP30/MACP90
MACU-SAVE GOLD Func: Dietary Supplement with Meso-Zeaxanthin, Zinc & Vitamin B2 Size: 90 Caps (30 days) Mfr: Zeon Healthcare Code: MCSG
MacuPrime Plus Func: Premium triple carotenoid supp with Lutein, Meso-Zeaxanthin, Zeaxanthin, Vit C, Vit E, Copper and Zinc Size: 120 Caps (30 days) Mfr: MacuHealth Ltd Code: MACPP
MACUSAN A2 Func: Dietary Supplement for the management of AMD Size: 60 caps (30 days) Mfr: Agepha Pharma Code: MACA2
MACU-SAVE Func: Dietary Supplement with Meso-Zeaxanthin Size: 30 Caps (30 Days) Mfr: Zeon Healthcare Code: MS30
MACU-SAVE Func: Dietary Supplement with Meso-Zeaxanthin Size: 90 Caps (90 Days) Mfr: Zeon Healthcare Code: MS90
MacuShield Function: Dietary Supp with Meso-Zeaxanthin Size: 30 caps (30 days) Mfr: Alliance Pharmaceuticals Code: MAC30
MacuShield Function: Dietary Supp with Meso-Zeaxanthin Size: 90 caps (90 days) Mfr: Alliance Pharmaceuticals Code: MAC90
MacuShield Chewable Function: Dietary Supp. with Meso-Zeaxanthin Size: 30 Chewable Tablets Mfr: Alliance Pharmaceuticals Code: MACC
MacuShield Gold Function: Dietary Supp with Meso-Zeaxanthin Size: 90 Capsules (30 days) Mfr: Alliance Pharmaceuticals Code: MACG
MacuShield Omega Func: Dietary supplement with Meso-Zeaxanthin, Lutein and Omega 3 Size: 30 capsules (30 days) Mfr: Alliance Pharmaceuticals Code: MACO30
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